These attractive little pearls can make a diva of any woman - whether it?s for some festive occasion or the ?night of nights?! They are incredibly versatile: You can use them not only to enhance your eyelashes but to draw attention to your fingernails toenails or simply as a decoration applied directly to the skin. And why not decorate your cell phone other accessories and anything else?
The pearls come in a container and are of 2 mm in diameter.
- After applying XXL Extension Lashes make sure that the following items are easily available:
- the pearls
- the XXL Lashes adhesive
- a jade stone or glass plate
- palillos (small wooden sticks)
- microbrushes
- one straight and one curved pair of tweezers
- a
- Place a drop of XXL Lashes adhesive on the jade stone or glass plate.
- Cut off the end of a microbrush and place it on the jade stone or glass plate.
- Now isolate a suitable eyelash using the curved tweezers.
- Holding the microbrush in your other hand take up a tiny droplet of adhesive with the thin side of The microbrush and transfer it to where the XXL Lash is joined to the isolated eyelash.
- Now you can use the straight tweezers to pick up a pearl and put it on the adhesive (make sure the flat side is in contact with the adhesive).
- XXL Lashes tip: Dip a palillo (one of the wooden sticks) into a drop of water. Touch a pearl with the wet part of the palillo - you?ll see that the pearl sticks to the palillo so that you can pick it up and place it on the eyelash.
- When the pearl is in the right place you can press it onto the eyelash more firmly by using two palillos one above and one below the stone/eyelash. This improves the adhesive effect of the glue.